Friday, April 11, 2008

Springime unfolds in London

Last time (the only other time!) I was in the United Kingdom, Autumn was emerging. It was a delight to see the leaves start to turn and to witness the vividness of colour compared to Australia. At the time some local press reported that the colours were particularly vivid that year because of an exceptionally warm summer. I wondered whether the colours also seemed moe intense than in Australia because there was more contrast with the background light - the brightness of Australian light really struck me on my return.

This time I am here in early Spring and in the two weeks since my arrival the emerging buds have plumped out and the earliest bulbs are fading. I am saving most of my garden visits until May when Spring will be at its peak. Whilst I have always been interested in gardens, my knowledge and personal endeavours have grown significantly since I was last here. I am hoping that my photos will capture the changing season.

1 comment:

Kay and Pieter said...

Hi Janine
Thanks for the blog. Good stuff. Taking photos of pub signs could be dangerous to your health. 'Cuase if you stop to take a photo you may as well have tipple or two!
All's well in sunny Tas. We had a great wind storm a week ago with houses in Nimla loosing roofs but out little culdesac seems to have survived well.
Look forward to reading more of your trip.
Pieter and Kay